
18 Sept 2017


Winter, season, favourite, Christmas, lifestyle, simsrandomramble

Oh my! Just thinking about it makes me so happy.
Winter is my favourite season of all, I'm obsessed with all things cold, you'd know if you'd have read my first post, winter being a whole three-four months of cold weather (I know some of you are like bleh!) I get very excited for it.
So I thought why not let you know the reasons why I get so excited for this season, it's usually the small things, but here we go.

The Clothes yup! All those sweaters, oversized jumpers, if you read my previous post you know that I love oversized clothing, it's like winter is the season to get comfy lol. It's just so much more easier to dress up in winter.

The Food Oh The food! Hot bowls of soups and all those cozy meals that I can eat without being a big sweaty mess after it. And the amount of celebrations in this season, yup that only means one thing, Great Food.

Then comes the comfort of being wrapped up in your blanket all the time and reading your favourite book with a hot cup of tea, it's the best feeling, yes I know.❤

The outdoors yes! This is the only season I don't mind going out. I mean early mornings, with crisp cold air(I promise I'm not a vampire), little warmth of the sun also since Autumn will have passed so the leaves are fallen all over I mean it doesn't get better than that.

Just writing about all this makes me so excited πŸ‘πŸ‘
But I think I'll stop nowπŸ˜‚
So there you go, here's my obsession with winter, let me know in the comments what is your favourite season, I'll be reading.
Hope you have a lovely week.
I'll cya next Monday :).


  1. Hey Sim! My favourite season being winter makes this post so relatable! Keep posting! Waiting for next Monday ;)

    1. Ikr winter is the best!
      Thanks for reading πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™
