
23 Jul 2017


I used to love reading books as a kid, especially in our English text book towards the end there were excerpts of novels and I used to love those. But then teenage happened and then; short forms and slangs happened (oh God when I read my old Facebook posts or texts I cringe so bad). Fortunately, I got back to reading novels properly (not just excerpts) since then lots has changed and there's so much I've learned.
And that is,
        That my vocabulary was not that great (It's become better now) ; speaking/typing in short forms is stupid (sorry not sorry) like I can't​ speak in slangs at all now - I don't​ even know most of them.   
        Then come expectations - not every romantic novel ends happily and not every situation can be miraculously solved.(But it still hurts when the leads in the books are not together). That sometimes everything is "not" gonna be ok in the end.
         Books are never gonna be like the movies because they are better than them (You're always gonna be sitting in the theatre saying 'oh but it was not suppose to be like that').
         Also there is the whole perception part - there is more to a person than just the face. (There is always a reason/back story - Think before judging); That there are so many more dimensions to look at when is comes to falling in love or just love in general. If you read books you are going to turn into an empathetic person whether you want it or not.
         Authors can be ruthless and kill your favourite character 'when needed' (yes - no mercy). It's ironic but books are the only thing that will give you peace and they are also gonna ruin it (because you're up till 3 in the morning thinking why did Finch have to die).
         The art of saving money - is something you're gonna be a pro at because you want that book, but also that same art is going to be thrown out the window of the bookstore you just entered.
But come on all this is ok because we love books (simple as that).

So there it is, books have really thought me a lot (in all the good ways). Let me know in the comments if you relate on any of this or your weird funny moments because you're a bookworm, I'll be reading and replying here.
Will be posting next Monday.
Hope you have a lovely week. :)


  1. Hey sim! It's always a pleasure to read your posts.. but this one.. it's my new favourite, because it's SO relatable. It's reading my thoughts in your words. Keep posting. ❤

  2. Heya! Thank you so much for reading ☺πŸ’™

  3. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ It's so perfect!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭
