
2 Oct 2017


First of all let me be cliché.


Sorry not sorry.

Anyways you kinda get what this post is about.

Great news is winter is here, even greater news is I've already caught a slight cold, perfect!! No but I'm genuinely excited because "you need to read my previous post for that", so here we go with October Goals.

Start something new  I'm super excited for this month, all the things I await may/hopefully start happening.
I get back to studies.
Ahhh this month I'm gonna have to follow a schedule, have to get out of the house 'because I have to be somewhere'.
My vacation ends and surprisingly I'm relieved it did.
Love the smell of new beginnings no matter how strong the urge is to run back home and sleep.

The eventuality of everything is change, irony is that it's the only constant.

Since I'm "getting out", and all those home loving humans reading this know the actual struggle of it, so while I'm at it I'm gonna try and work on my social skills and actually make friends out of the digital screen. (This inspired me because I read a blog post about it.) - Longing for real life friendships in a digital world. -

Get back to what you love   I'm gonna try really hard on updating my Instagram lmao. (God knows it's in dire need of it)

Branch out   Carry on my addiction for Korean dramas, yes I have an addiction, given the number of them I've watched I know it doesn't seem so but I know I am, and I don't care tbh. Lol.

Just Be   Sail the positivity boat because God knows we've been swimming out on the other side. Hopefully you see the sun. Which reminds me I'm gonna be writing more, god I miss it, and I know you guys liked my Blog Post #6.

There you go those are the things I will try and do this month!
Hope I've been able to inspire/get you to stop procastinating about something you wanna do 😂.
What are you up to this month let me know in the comments!
Well have a lovely week and I'll cya next Monday. :)

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